Fall Frenzy Concerts, Oct 23-26!

Dear Classical Music Lovers,

The Spring Hill Orchestra’s upcoming Fall Frenzy week will be one to rival all others. We have a special week full of concerts that you won’t want to miss!

Highlights for the week include guest musicians from the Filamônica Femina of São Paulo, Brazil, the world premiere of orchestral work Emergence by local composer JUDITH MARKOVICH, and Italian talent Chantal Balestri performing GRIEG’S Piano Concerto. For the grand finale the SHO will pull out all the stops (literally!) with organist Greg Tulenko performing the magnificent second movement of Saint-Saëns Symphony No. 3 (Organ).

All events are free but donations are greatly appreciated!

Piano Recital 
WEDNESDAY, Oct 23, 7pm – Steinway Gallery of Nashville
Chantal Balestri, piano

Schubert: Sonata D958 in C minor
Beethoven: 32 variations in C minor
Liszt: Spanish Rhapsody

Piano Masterclass 
THURSDAY, Oct 24, 11am – Steinway Gallery of Nashville
An opportunity for pianists of all levels or any music enthusiast who wants a deeper understanding of the art of piano playing. Balestri will work with students individually and give pointers on improving technique and musicality. Slots are still available for students who want to participate. Please contact us info@springhillorchestra.org. Learn more about Chantal here: http://www.chantalbalestri.com.

Brazilian Chamber Concerts
THURSDAY, Oct 24, 2pm- Spring Hill Public Library
FRIDAY, Oct 25, 11am- Williamson Co. Public Library
The Filarmônica Feminina of São Paulo, Brazil will be playing these two concerts at the Spring Hill and Williamson co libraries. They are touring locally and the Filarmônica Feminina Chiquinha Gonzaga is a newly-formed chamber orchestra, born from the idea of uniting women to play classical music. Their first project is inspired by the Brazilian author Mario de Andrade who describes their nation as a fusion of white, Indian, and black culture. Music chosen for their Tennessee debut  features a repertoire from works by well-known Brazilian composers, folk songs, and the indigenous dance of the Caiapó tribe.


SATURDAY, Oct 26, 7:30pm– Calvary UMC, 3701 Hillsboro Pk, Nashville
Rebecca Vendemo, conductor
Judith Markovich, composer
Chantal Balestri, piano
Greg Tulenko, organ
Guest musicians from the Filamônica Femina of São Paulo, Brazil

GRIEG Piano Concerto
RESPIGHI Suite in G for Organ and Strings, mvt I & II
SAINT-SAËNS Symphony No. 3 (Organ), mvt II

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