Featured Musician: Jill Mitchell, flute

SHO Member Since: November 3, 2014 (founding member, principal flute)

Current job: Elementary general music teacher

Degree/college attended: Bachelor of Education (Music), Tennessee Tech University

At what age did you start playing flute and when/why did you decide to pursue music as a career: I began playing flute in 6th grade, but I had already decided before that time that I wanted to be a music teacher.  Taking piano lessons from a young age and having a wonderful elementary music teacher myself helped me make that decision.

Who is your musical hero or inspiration: On the education side, all of my music teachers and band/orchestra directors are my heroes!  As far as inspiration for playing the flute specifically, my college flute instructor, who not only inspired my playing, but gave me a love for continuing to perform on flute outside of my “job.”

A funny musical experience: There have been too many to count!  But I have learned that it is impossible to play flute while laughing…

What was your first orchestral experience: My mom took me to see Itzhak Perlman perform with the Chattanooga Symphony when I was in Middle School.  My first playing experience was in the Chattanooga Youth Symphony in High School.

Favorite composer: Classically speaking, I love most of the Romantics…especially Tchaikovsky.

What music do you listen to in your free time: I’m on a bluegrass kick right now…mainly because my 1 year old will listen to banjo music for hours!

Christmas Concert 2016
Spring Concert 2016

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